
Cpu 26a p computer air navigation
Cpu 26a p computer air navigation

cpu 26a p computer air navigation

We were at Bien Hoa for TET of 68 which began Jan 30. The pilots were ferried back and forth to the flight line by helicopter or 3/4 ton truck. The officers stayed in a 3 story villa in Bien Hoa at what was called the Honor Smith/Cong Li Compound and it faced Cong Li Street. At Bien Hoa enlisted men stayed in tents on the NE corner of the airfield. Jan 68 the company was reassigned to the 145th CAB and was moved to Bien Hoa. There was a company wide mission in Phan Rang in 67. During this time, we also had a couple of ships assigned to LRRP detachments in Pleiku. We had some single ship missions that went to Dalat that were rotated among other 1st Plt ships.

cpu 26a p computer air navigation

Also supported 101st when they moved to Phan Thiet. Also went to Bao Loc in support of the 101st. Did a little support out of Dak Tho, Pleiku, Bong Son. While at Lane, supported MACV out of Qui Nhon. Kept a Plt there for several months, rotating between 1st and 2nd Flt Plt. In 1967 there was a mission to Lane AA located at An Son. Col Harrison nicknamed The Phantom, was 10th CAB commander. We participated in the largest CA ever conducted in the Kontum area late 66.Ħ7-68 In 67, Lt. Were supporting SF out of Ban Me Thout, Bong Son and Pleiku, participated in Operation Attleboro. Had several missions to Phan Rang and Phan Thiet in support of the 101st. Flew support missions to Bong Son and Tuy Hoa north and had guns ships go to Dong Ha to support the Marines in that area.

cpu 26a p computer air navigation

Sidewinders flew gun cover for the Air Force Green Hornets. Doing everything from direct combat support, CAs re-supplies, medevac, psyops, VIP flights all over the II Corps area. Supported the 101st, 4th Inf Div, 25th Div, SF, Koreans and the ARVN's. 66-67 1 JUL66 the unit name changed to 117th AHC.

Cpu 26a p computer air navigation