
The majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.
The majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.

Having sex with a person who is incapacitated through alcohol or drugs is therefore rape. No-one asks or deserves to be raped or sexually assaulted 100% of the responsibility lies with the perpetrator. In law, consent must be fully and freely given by someone with the capacity to do so. If a person is unconscious or incapacitated by alcohol or drugs, they are unable to give their consent to sex. Sex without consent is rape and the man has responsibility for ensuring that he only has sex with someone who is clear in their consent, regardless of how they are dressed, how they look or how they behave. Myth: Victims are raped because they get drunk and dress provocatively, or because they are attractive Reality: People of all ages and appearances, and of all classes, cultures, abilities, genders, sexualities, races and religions, are raped. Rapists are often friends, colleagues, clients, neighbours, family members, partners or exes of the victim.

the majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.

60% of victims are attacked inside a building and 31% inside their own home. Reality: Only around 10% of rapes are committed by strangers.Īround 90% of rapes are committed by men known to the victim, and often by someone who the survivor has previously trusted or even loved. Myth: Rape is most likely to be happen outside, after dark, and to be perpetrated by a stranger. Some of the most common myths about sexual violence are: CARA seeks to challenge the myths and misconceptions around sexual violence whenever possible. They can undermine the trauma experienced by victims, suggest that victims may be to blame for what has happened to them and contribute to perpetuating sexual violence. There are a number of myths and misconceptions about sexual violence.

The majority of sexual assaults are committed by strangers.